Welcome to my daily general knowledge journal on Notion, a space dedicated to exploration, discovery, and learning to enrich each day with new insights.
List of books to read
- [x] “Sapiens: a brief history of humankind" Yuval Noah Harari
- [x] "1984" par George Orwell
- [ ] "The Catcher in the Rye" par J.D. Salinger
List of movies & series
- [ ] Inception (2010)
- [ ] The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
- [ ] The Matrix (1999)
Courses & training
- [ ] Harvard’s "CS50: Introduction to Computer Science”
- [ ] Coursera's "The Science of Well-Being”

This template was thoughtfully created by JiawaandCo to help you stay organized and inspired.
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